Hopper dryer

تاريخ النشر:2023-11-09 14:34

خمس مزايا للمنتجات

  • Made of stainless steel, double-layer barrel
  • Stainless steel electric heating cylinder, heat dissipation electric heating tube, high temperature fan
  • The material barrel is separated from the bottom, making it easy to clean and change materials quickly
  • Proportional deviation indication thermostat is used to accurately control the temperature
  • Can be used in many occasions, with automatic suction machine to achieve automated operation

تفاصيل المنتج

The most effective and economical equipment for drying plastic raw materials. It is widely used for drying any plastic materials. It can dry raw materials that are wet due to packaging, transportation or recycling. The stainless steel barrel can be directly matched with injection molding machines, extruders, granulators, etc. For drying plastic. It's fast and saves space. This upward-blowing hot air dryer can provide a loading capacity of 25-2000kg, and multiple models are available.


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  • dongguan gaoxin machinery co., ltd
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dongguan gaoxin machinery co., ltd

اسم: Melody

هاتف الشركة: 0769-89875195

البريد الإلكتروني E-: اتصل بنا

تليفون محمول: +86-189-2682-5865

موقع الكتروني: gaoxinmachinery.b2bara.com

عنوان: 2 Shibu Shuilian Street, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City

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