Box dryer

تاريخ النشر:2023-11-09 14:44

خمس مزايا للمنتجات

  • The built-in high-temperature-resistant circulating fan is used to greatly reduce heat loss and enhance heat transfer
  • The opening can be adjusted up and down to make the temperature inside the box even at the top and bottom
  • It adopts a fully enclosed structure, with hot air circulating inside the box, and has high energy saving efficiency
  • Support different color materials and suitable for many colors with high accuracy
  • Suitable for plastics, food, pharmaceuticals, electronic plating and other industries

تفاصيل المنتج

It is widely used for drying any plastic materials and can dry materials of different materials and colors at the same time. It is especially suitable for drying materials that require high temperature accuracy, low dosage, and various colors.

It is also suitable for use in preheating or drying processes in food, pharmaceutical, electronic plating and other industries.


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  • dongguan gaoxin machinery co., ltd
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dongguan gaoxin machinery co., ltd

اسم: Melody

هاتف الشركة: 0769-89875195

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تليفون محمول: +86-189-2682-5865

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عنوان: 2 Shibu Shuilian Street, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City

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